Sunday 25 May 2008

EP Blog 1 - Breaking The Robot


Right. This is my first blog about the making of the new EP. It's going to be titled "Breaking The Robot" and it'll be coming out on Xynthetic. When? Not quite sure yet, but this blog is hopefully going to be prodding me to get the work done :)

I've got a rough tracklist worked out but these things are just bound to change. However, the EP is based around an idea and that, with any luck, will encompass the individual tracks and give the whole thing a sort of one-y mungeness, if you know what I mean. Not a problem if you don't :)

So far, I've been working on two tracks. "Gravity Forest" is the working title of the first, although that's blatantly a case of a title looking for a song, it may not remain so named for very long. I was in an amazingly bad mood on Monday night and I managed to direct it into getting a draft of a track down in Live using my new Akai controller (MPD32). It's kind of moochey, play-with-your-head style and a little bit like "Fuff" (from the first EP) in feel. Very early days for this track so it'll probably change massively :)

The other thing I've been working on is a new version of the title track, "Breaking The Robot". I put the original tune together a long time ago and there were always some bits which didn't quite sit right. So they've gone, basically. I'm aiming to make this into an industial-techno tune, and from how things have gone today when playing with it, I think I've got a chance of doing that :D All said and done, the title track has got to be good (note that there was no title track on the previous EP, but I guess it would probably have been "Never Been To Tokyo" based on people's reaction to it). Work is on-going, but I'm liking the chance to dust this track off and re-forge its elements...

Many of my ideas for tracks that are included in my notional list of candidates are currently residing in FruityLoops, so I'm going to be spending a lot of time converting these into Live sessions (where appropriate), so that I've got an eye towards mixing in Live and being able to do a live set with a reduced amount of software.

So, I've started. So, I'll finish.

Stay tuned, there'll be more to follow :)


Edit: I've still not used that bloody Akai controller properly yet. It sits on my desk, the Tap light blinking at me sullenly.

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